
supply chain management

Zero-Base Budgeting: A Transformative Approach for Organizational Management

In the dynamic landscape of business management, both in the for-profit and non-profit sectors, the concept of Zero-Base Budgeting (ZBB) has emerged as a transformative approach. This method redefines the traditional budgeting process, emphasizing rigorous justification and scrutiny of every dollar spent. Dr. Dawkins Brown, the executive chairman of Dawgen Global, aptly summarizes the essence...

The Goldilocks Economy: Striking the Perfect Balance in Global Markets

In the lexicon of economics, the term “Goldilocks Economy” occupies a special place, representing an ideal state where the conditions are “just right.” Much like the fairy tale character who prefers her porridge neither too hot nor too cold, a Goldilocks economy strikes a perfect balance between not being so heated that it causes inflation,...

Harnessing the Power of VRIO for Sustainable Competitive Advantage

In the dynamic and competitive world of business, achieving and maintaining a competitive edge is crucial. The VRIO (Value, Rarity, Imitability, Organization) framework emerges as a robust strategic analysis tool that plays a pivotal role in identifying and leveraging a company’s unique resources and capabilities. It’s a methodology that aligns strategic decision-making with long-term objectives,...

Integrating for Success: How ERP Systems Revolutionize Business Operations and Dawgen Global’s Expertise in Tailoring the Perfect Fit

Embarking on a journey through the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) landscape reveals a complex and integrated system that forms the backbone of many modern businesses. At its core, ERP is a suite of integrated applications that a company uses to collect, store, manage, and interpret data from many business activities. This system streamlines processes across...

Managing Risks in Complex Supply Chains: Navigating the 5 Key Risk Areas

The current business landscape, heavily influenced by globalization and digital technology advancements, has led to a significant shift in how companies operate. To remain competitive and cater to price-sensitive customers, organizations are relentlessly pursuing efficiency and cost reduction. This pursuit has increasingly driven companies to outsource various economic tasks, resulting in the formation of complex...

Unveiling the Blueprint of Success: Strategy Maps and Balanced Scorecards

In the intricate dance of business strategy, organizations continuously seek novel ways to choreograph their success. Amid the bustling marketplace, two concepts that have significantly shaped the modern business strategy narrative are Strategy Maps and Balanced Scorecards (BSC). Together, these tools offer a comprehensive visual and systemic approach to translating an organization’s vision into actionable...

The Road to a Sustainable Supply Chain: Challenges and Complexities

The global supply chain network is like the nervous system of the modern world, intricately connected and vital for the functioning of economies and societies. As the awareness around sustainability and environmental consciousness grows, organizations are grappling with the challenges posed by their existing supply chains and are seeking ways to transform them. The progression...


Dawgen Global is an integrated multidisciplinary professional service firm in the Caribbean Region. We are integrated as one Regional firm and provide several professional services including: audit,accounting ,tax,IT,Risk, HR,Performance, M&A,corporate recovery and other advisory services

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Taking seamless key performance indicators offline to maximise the long tail.

Dawgen Global is an integrated multidisciplinary professional service firm in the Caribbean Region. We are integrated as one Regional firm and provide several professional services including: audit,accounting ,tax,IT,Risk, HR,Performance, M&A,corporate recovery and other advisory services

Where to find us?
Dawgen Social links
Taking seamless key performance indicators offline to maximise the long tail.

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