Suriname Office

Suriname is a pluralistic society consisting primarily of Creoles (persons of mixed African and European heritage), the descendants of escaped African slaves known as Maroons, and the descendants of Indian and Javanese (Indonesian) contract workers. The country overall is in full, post-industrial demographic transition, with a low fertility rate, a moderate mortality rate, and a rising life expectancy. However, the Maroon population of the rural interior lags behind because of lower educational attainment and contraceptive use, higher malnutrition, and significantly less access to electricity, potable water, sanitation, infrastructure, and health care.

Some 350,000 people of Surinamese descent live in the Netherlands, Suriname’s former colonial ruler. In the 19th century, better-educated, largely Dutch-speaking Surinamese began emigrating to the Netherlands. World War II interrupted the outflow, but it resumed after the war when Dutch labor demands grew – emigrants included all segments of the Creole population. Suriname still is strongly influenced by the Netherlands because most Surinamese have relatives living there and it is the largest supplier of development aid. Other emigration destinations include French Guiana and the United States. Suriname’s immigration rules are flexible, and the country is easy to enter illegally because rainforests obscure its borders. Since the mid-1980s, Brazilians have settled in Suriname’s capital, Paramaribo, or eastern Suriname, where they mine gold. This immigration is likely to slowly re-orient Suriname toward its Latin American roots.

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Dawgen Global is an integrated multidisciplinary professional service firm in the Caribbean Region. We are integrated as one Regional firm and provide several professional services including: audit,accounting ,tax,IT,Risk, HR,Performance, M&A,corporate recovery and other advisory services

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Dawgen Global is an integrated multidisciplinary professional service firm in the Caribbean Region. We are integrated as one Regional firm and provide several professional services including: audit,accounting ,tax,IT,Risk, HR,Performance, M&A,corporate recovery and other advisory services

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Taking seamless key performance indicators offline to maximise the long tail.

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